Location of PRESOV in SLOVAKIA

It is the main street of Prešov. The street consists of Late Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque burgher houses with lavish ornamentation.
2 - The Jonáš Záborský Theatre
The first time curtain of the profesional theatre scene was opened in a repaired building in Presov January 30, 1944. In that time Presov was a center of the eastern Slovakia and that is why the theatre was called The Slovak Theatre. The first time the curtain of the profesional theatre opened in Presov was January 30, 1944. At that time Presov was the center of the eastern Slovakia and this is why the theatre was called The Slovak Theatre.
The first performance was written by slovak dramatist Ferko Urbánek and was called The Elf. The next writers whose plays were performed in that theatre were Palárik, Záborský, Tajovský, Hollý, Timrava, Stodola, Urban, Záhradník and so on.
The premiere of musical theatre was on October 13th, 1948. This was the official birth of the theatre and the performance was called The Polish Blood, written by Nedbal. This performance is still one of the most often presented operettas in Jonáš Záborský Theatre. The authors of the operetta performances were Lehár, Strauss, Kalmán, Offenbach, Voskovec and Werich, Dusík… Before the start of the opera ensemble the theatre had performed Manzelle Nitouche by Hevré or The Earth Of Smiles by Lehár. The theatre dared to present operas La Traviata by Verdi, The Kiss, The Sold Bride by Smetana, Madame Butterfly by Puccini …
3 - Rákoszi´s palace
Influential Rákoczi family left its traces not only in Košice but in Prešov as well. During the anti – Habsburg uprising a lot of political meetings took place here, such as the meeting of Juraj Rákoczi with the emperor Ferdinand ; František II. Rákoczi made this palace his residence during the mentioned uprisings. Today it is the seat of the Regional Museum.
4 - Greek – catholic church of St. John the Babtist
This church on Hlavná street, with its beautiful baroque facade.
Greek – catholic believers had their hardest times during the communistic regime. They were, together with priests, persecuted even harder than those belonging to the Roman – catholic or evanjelic church. The whole orders were destroyed. In 1950 it was decided in Prešov that the whole Greek – catholic church will be totally destroyed in Czechoslvakia. During the act called "Prešov´s sobor" bishop Pavol Peter Gojdič was arrested and according to the construed trial he was sentenced for life for treason. He died in Leopoldov prison because of bad treatment and torment on his 72. birthday, 17.7.1962. He was burried on the military cemetary and his grave was marked with the number only. After the Velvet revolution his body was brought back to Prešov, and laid into crypt exposed in this church. Bishop is laid there with another martyr Vasiľ Hopko. Pope John Paul II. proclaimed Pavol Gojdič for blessed in 2001. In 1995 Pope visited this church during his official visit of Slovakia.
Nevertheless, there´s one more very rare and vulnerable relics in this church – a copy of the Turin shroud. There are, except the original, only 4 copies of the shroud in the whole world – in Turin (original cannot be shown on public), second copy is in Prešov, and the rest are supposed to be in Jerusalem and Vilnius, Lithuania. According to the legend, Jesus was wraped up by this shourd after he was put duwn from the cross. You can find it on the right side of the church, next to the bishop´s throne.
5 - Church of St. Nicholas
Main feature of the Hlavná street. It was built in ghotic style, with rich decorated windows. Inside is baroque altar from the end of 17. cent, renaissance – baroque organ and renaissance font from the red marble. The tower is opened for public, it offers beautiful view on the town.
5 - Neptun´s fountain on the square
Jewis people were not very welcomed in Prešov in the past. The first written mention about them is from the year 1530. Because they ment strong competition for local businesmen, it was very difficult to get into the town for them. The break point happened only in the 18. century when the first Jewish citizen settled inside the city, businessman Mark Holländer. Being thankful from the given trust he had built the Neptun´s fountain on the square. Till today it is on of the most beautiful and important sights of the town.
6 - The Square Holy Trinity
7 - The Church of Christ the King
8 - The Church Queen of Peace
9 - The Church of the St. Cross (Calvary)
Ideal tip for accidentally free hour or two is the walk on the Calvary. Many Prešov´s inhabitants are in love with this place, they go there for Sunday walks with kids or whenever without reason, to have a look on the things "from above". This baroque church was built in the 18. century and is very well visible from many places in Prešov. It stands on the hill on the western part of the town, it has red colour with bright white contours. To the church leads calm, easy route, combination of stairs and small hills, passing the flowerbeds and chapels in the peaceful surroundings. In front of the church are places to sit and silently watch the life of the whole city. During the good weather the view is wonderfull, all three castles around Prešov are visible from here, as well as all the neighbourhoods and historical centre.
Postcard sent by Antonia, as "matadorka"
Private swap - Reference SK002
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